Poverty in England

20.01.2010 | Stand 03.12.2020, 4:19 Uhr

Very british: Der Engländer Nigel Greenhalgh aus Heuberg trinkt nicht nur gerne Tee, sondern schreibt mit Vorliebe über Kurioses und Interessantes aus seiner Heimat. - Foto: Meyer

Hilpoltstein (HK) The year 2010 has begun since we last met. So, first of all, I should like to wish all my readers a very happy, healthy New Year.

In 2010 the focus of my articles will change. The articles will keep the same format: a short article with a lexicon of the more uncommon words to help you understand the article and to help increase* your English vocabulary. The articles will however be shorter and the lexicon more extensive*. An important change in the character* of the articles is that they will contain my personal opinion*. You are free to comment, agree and disagree.

I have decided to move away from describing the ancient and traditional English customs. Away from describing an England buried* in the past. This England is of course interesting and beautiful, but it is not representative of England today. It is an England clean and without spots*. It is not the real England of the cities, and streets. It is not the everyday England of the common Englishman.

I will now comment on the modern every day* England. The living England. The new European England: the multi-cultural, Afro-Indian-Old-Empire England of the present. I hope you will enjoy this series of articles as much as you did the last.

I have been thinking a lot since the start of the New Year about poverty*. There is a lot of poverty in England.

When I was training to be an actor in London, I used to go to the National Theatre on the Thames Embankment* very often. To get to the National Theatre I would have to walk through "Cardboard City"*. A city of homeless people living out of cardboard boxes! The contrast* of the big beautiful and expensive theatre and the poor cardboard houses was always very shocking*. It hurt.

"Cardboard City”, became a symbol of "Thatcher’s Britain", an icon* of "The divide* between the rich and the poor", or of "the new consumerist* Britain".

I sympathised* with these homeless people. I was not homeless but I had very little money. Yet I am ashamed* to admit* that my attitude* was not very forgiving*. I was determined* not to be poor. I would not be a burden* to society* like them!

"Thatcher’s Britain" created* a culture of greed* among* the English people, which sadly* is still dominant today. A culture of rich and poor. Yes, it succeeded in destroying* class divisions*, and the trade unions*, but with them it destroyed something of far greater value*. Community*.

The Greek word for this is "polis" from which the English word "politics*" is derived. Yes, Thatcher’s Britain made many people richer, but in doing so, it squeezed* the love out of its people by encouraging* a less caring and more isolationist society. It achieved* the direct opposite* of what "politics" mean.

Do we still care in Britain? Yes, of course. The English are still very caring, well mannered* and friendly. The situation is not hopeless. However, the disease* of "consumerism" which is now eating up all the rich countries in the world is, in my opinion, winning.


*increase: verstärken

*extensive: umfangreich

*character: Charakter

*opinion: Meinung

*buried: begraben

*spot: Pickel, Fleck

*every day: alltäglich

*poverty: Armut

*Thames Embankment: Ufer der Themse mitten in Londons Westend

*Cardboard City: existierte von 1983 bis 1998. Das Imax- Kino steht jetzt auf diesem Platz.

*contrast: Kontrast

*shocking: schockierend

*icon: Ikone

*divide: Trennung

*consumerist: konsumorientiert

*sympathise:– Mitleid haben

*ashamed: sich schämen

*admit: zugeben

*attitude: Einstellung

*forgiving: versönlich

*determined: entschlossen

*burden: Last

*society: Gesellschaft

*created: verusachte/schaffte

*greed: Gier

*among: unter

*sadly: traurigerweise

*destroying: ruinierend/zerstörend

*class divisions: gesellschaftschichtliche Trennungen

*trade unions: Gewerkschaften

*value: Wert

*community: Gemeinschaft

*politics: Politik

*squeezed: herausgepresst

*encouraging: ermutigend

*achieved: zustande gebracht

*direct opposite: ganz im Gegenteil

*well mannered: gute Mannieren haben

*disease: Krankheit